Environmental groups want to use engineered wetlands to help replenish the river of grass and address toxic algae. The ...
Faulty studies, supply chain woes and costly grid upgrades are delaying projects and preventing more clean electricity from ...
In a setback to efforts to conserve 30 percent of the ocean by 2030, a third of the world’s largest MPAs allow destructive ...
Astrid Puentes Riaño, a Colombian lawyer based in Mexico City, is the first woman, and the first person from the Global South ...
Warming and habitat loss diminished sage grouse populations 80 percent since 1965, putting them on the brink of an endangered ...
State regulators say discharges of treated produced water into rivers are too risky. But they see a pathway for produced ...
Climate change poses a more serious threat to firefly populations than previously thought, researchers have found.
From our collaborating partner “Living on Earth,” public radio’s environmental news magazine, an interview by executive ...
In a sunlight-filled conference center at the Haw River State Park in Guilford County, North Carolina, Russell Chisholm stood ...
Kenny Moll was preparing for his fourth marathon in four days when an ominous haze settled over Chicago. The 23-year-old ...
The Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act sought to remake waste management and recycling in New York.
However, hurricanes also pose a different issue to solar infrastructure that designers are going to be hard-pressed to solve: ...