Starting in the 1960s, more and more Hollywood films depicted an increasingly violent and alienated American society quickly losing its mind. It’s hard not to see their relevance to our times.
Jasper Kloss is an encampment member and student at the University of Melbourne.
Lillian Phillips is a writer, encampment member, and student at the University of Melbourne.
The cycle of mass layoffs in game development isn’t a problem of the industry’s inherent “instability.” It’s a problem of exploitation. Gamers play a new video game at the EA PLAY event in Hollywood, ...
Guy Laron is a senior lecturer in international relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Prabhat Patnaik is an Indian economist and the author, with Utsa Patnaik, of Capital and Imperialism: Theory, History, and the Present (2021) and A Theory of Imperialism (2016).
Robin Celikates is a professor of philosophy at the Free University of Berlin and currently a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
When Joe Biden became US president, many Cubans hoped he would loosen some of the restrictions on trade and travel imposed by Donald Trump. But Biden has increased the pressure on Cuba, greatly ...
Jakub Bokes is a writer and doctoral researcher based at the London School of Economics.
Kai Koddenbrock is a professor of political economy at Bard College Berlin.
Longtime social movement scholar Frances Fox Piven reflects on her involvement in Columbia’s 1968 occupation, the need for protest movements to imitate each other, and why campus protests make sense ...
Confronted with a deepening housing affordability crisis across the country, some US legislators are turning to the successful social housing programs of countries like Austria and Singapore. We spoke ...