We’ve previously written about the importance of building and maintaining strength and balance as we age, but flexibility makes up an important part of physical fitness too. There are huge benefits to ...
Nut allergies are one of the UK’s most common food allergies. According to Anaphylaxis UK, around 1 in 50 children and 1 in 200 adults are allergic to nuts. While many people develop nut allergies as ...
There are many benefits to having houseplants in your home. They look pretty, add life and character, and improve air quality. Studies show they can also improve mood, reduce stress, boost ...
When booking a coastal retreat in the UK, many of us automatically think of the South East – for example, Cornwall, Devon, or South Wales. However, plenty of other spectacular areas are dotted along ...
Last year, there were record sightings of Asian Hornets in the UK, posing a threat to honey bees and other pollinators. Although native to Southeast Asia, Asian hornets arrived in France in 2004, most ...
For many, the perfect holiday involves sitting on a tropical beach or exploring a lively, sun-drenched city. However, others are drawn to the darker side of sightseeing. ‘Dark tourism’ is a phenomenon ...
The Labour party is reportedly planning to abandon plans to reinstate the Lifetime Allowance, which would provide much-needed certainty to people’s retirement planning. The Lifetime Allowance was the ...
For many, nothing beats waking up to the sound of cawing seagulls, stretching out in bed, and gazing at the ocean from our window. And with so many beautiful and unique places to stay, Cornwall is ...
For most of us, the idea of eating from the garden might conjure up images of tomatoes, courgettes, lettuces, and herbs picked straight from the soil. But it isn’t just vegetables that can provide ...
Ticks are small, spider-like creatures that feed on human and animal blood. They’re found across the UK and are particularly common during the warmer months. While usually harmless, a small percentage ...