A jury in Douglas County spent less than two hours deliberating the verdict. The 23-year-old Shannon was accused of ...
Engel was named the Cougars interim coach In July 2020 when Cory Fehringer accepted an assistant coaching job at the ...
Engel was named the Cougars interim coach In July 2020 when Cory Fehringer accepted an assistant coaching job at the ...
A Group of Seven summit opened Thursday with agreement reached on a U.S. proposal to back a $50 billion loan to Ukraine using ...
The newly revealed private plane trips follow a bombshell report on the U.S. Supreme Court justice’s jet-setting lifestyle, ...
The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT), together with Nebraska State Patrol (NSP) and regional emergency management ...
Sen. Durbin says Clarence Thomas took several undisclosed luxury trips on a GOP megadonor's private airplane.
In an update posted on the platform formerly known as Twitter this week, X's engineering team said it would be "making Likes ...
Thanks to the creative efforts of Marla Wade, the community now has a visual way to track the progress of their donations ...
Dozens of Tom Brady’s former teammates and coaches, spanning multiple eras of Patriots history, joined thousands of fans and ...
The House effectively recommended that Attorney General Merrick Garland be prosecuted with its politically messiest and, ...
It’s hard to imagine a clearer violation of journalistic ethics than pretending to hold beliefs you don’t, asking Supreme ...