Starting January 1, 2026, all international tourists visiting Georgia will be required to have medical and accident insurance ...
The European Union (EU) will establish a non-profit organization called "European System of Hydrogen Network Operators" ...
Another Armenian fan, Richard Verma, deputy secretary of state for management and resources, who feels like a true Armenian ...
Washington, Seoul, and Tokyo may soon finalize a trilateral agreement on security cooperation to address the nuclear threat ...
Attila Tilki, the head of the friendship group of the Hungarian National Assembly with Azerbaijan, along with Istvan Apati, a ...
The press services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and TABIB issued joint information, Azernews reports.
The delegation headed by Ali Huseynli, the first deputy chairman of the Milli Majlis and co-chairman of the ...
At present, member and observer countries of the Organization of Turkic States (TST) are in close contact. Friendly relations ...
The position of Hungary, Serbia, and Turkiye, which signed the communique of the Swiss summit, will not spoil their relations ...
Kazakhstan and South Korea celebrated the official opening ceremony for their direct air service, marking a significant ...
Economy Minister Mikayil Jabbarov congratulated medical personnel on the occasion of their professional holiday.
Bill Gates said he’s prepared to plow billions of dollars into a next-generation nuclear power plant project in Wyoming to ...