A covert military task force tracks a mysterious energy disturbance at a secret base in New Mexico that is suspected of experimenting on alien technology. Once there, the team encounters an unknown ...
During the 1990s, at a Scandinavian psychiatric hospital, a man known as Mads Lake confessed to multiple murders and was convicted. However, the uneasy triumvirate of Mads, therapist Anna Rudebeck and ...
The elite Kyiv Naval Political College operates in a city without access to the sea. The first Soviet aircraft carrier, the Kyiv, became the flagship of the Northern Fleet. The school's students, ...
Two women hurt by the same man form an alliance to catch their womanizer boyfriend in the act. But their unexpected bond leads to an unlikely romance between them.
When September is suspended from their school, her sister July begins to assert her own independence. Tension in the family builds on holiday Ireland as a series of surreal encounters test the them ...
Following her sister's disappearance, Jax and her niece Roki must stick together. Desperate to keep what's left of their family intact, Jax and Roki defy the law and hit the road on a journey to the ...
Nina and Djoul, two inseparable friends, are evicted from their squat. They take to the road in their old truck, thirsting for freedom and obsessed with one thing: partying. And so begins a road movie ...
Teenagers are impressionable, but Adam more than most. When he goes to visit his grandmother in the hospital for a final goodbye, she croaks her final words, a comment about his “long torso”, causing ...
Louise, an aimless, 28 year-old Brooklynite, recently single, sort of a musician, depressed without admitting to it, drunkenly falls while doing something stupid and breaks her hip. This lands her in ...
Factory worker Nadine falls in love with her colleague Paul. Years later, she questions her view of him. A romantic social drama about the magic of falling in love and the pain of falling out of it, ...
When five women take part in a corporate hiking retreat and only four come out on the other side, Federal Agents Aaron Falk and Carmen Cooper head deep into the Victorian mountain ranges to ...
As New York City is invaded by alien creatures who hunt by sound, a woman named Sammy fights to survive.