The European Union is moving towards raising tariffs against Chinese electric vehicles companies, risking a possible tariff ...
Within the European Union’s corridors of power, there’s an urgent call for a deep-seated change. Political leaders and ...
The European Commission is allocating €201 million in EU humanitarian funding to help the most vulnerable people affected by ...
Today, the Commission has issued a ‘yellow card’ to Senegal, underscoring the urgent need for them to intensify their efforts ...
At the pivotal Nordic-Ukrainian Summit, hosted by Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiyy ...
The Council has approved new rules to enhance the safety and quality of blood, tissues, and cells used in healthcare and to ...
In a significant meeting held in Prague today, NATO foreign ministers recommended intensifying overall support for Ukraine at ...
Ahead of the informal NATO Ministerial Meeting, Minister Jan Lipavsky met with his US counterpart, Secretary of State Antony ...
The EU and Australia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish bilateral cooperation on sustainable ...
At a significant gathering attended by representatives of the Council of Europe, member states, observer states, and ...
The MONI.CA (air MONItoring aCross Adriatic) project, funded by the EU Interreg Italy-Croatia programme 2021-2027, is the ...
The European Commission (EC) has established a pivotal office, dedicated to ensuring that the forthcoming development and ...