You could instead opt for kiln-dried wood supplied by Homefire, which has been seasoned at the requisite temperature to ...
Can you charge credit card fees to businesses? It is no longer legal for businesses to charge a surcharge for paying with a debit card, credit card or electronic payment service. Credit and debit ...
There is an average rate of 13.5% for commercial electricity in New York. I think 33 */kWh is reasonable. In 2020, EIA data showed an increase of 30% above the national average. By shopping instead of ...
Several factors led to Rockefeller's success, making him one of the greatest business leaders in history. As a result of his respect for others, perseverance, leadership courage, benevolence, honesty, ...
Helping & empowering business owners for over 15 years, helping them to understand how to protect own interests, build bridges to amplify joint ventures, adapting new business practices and solutions.
How much of US wealth is real estate? The United States is a nation whose households have a net worth of about half their income, but whose consumption accounts for about two thirds of its gross ...
When would an appraiser use the cost approach? A value opinion can also be derived from the cost approach. if it was destroyed today. It's not that simple-you also need to deduct depreciation and ...
Is it legal to make your own tequila? In countries that are either members of the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, or have signed any other international trade agreement, it is illegal to sell tequila ...
Financial Education & Research Foundation researchers found that 83 companies reported an average audit fee of $9 in their 2018 survey. With an average fee of $3, this book is worth $8 million. By a ...
In terms of profit margins on tobacco sales, most retailers (89%) reported low margins (* 6 %). According to our survey, the most common profit margins were 4–6%, while some reported lower margins for ...
How much does it cost to install 4 cameras? Wireless mid-range system with four cameras and a 1080P quality will cost you around £450 plus £300 for installation. An 8-camera system will cost around ...
The term liquid asset is used to refer to cash on hand or assets that can be converted into cash without much effort. A complementary asset to cash itself is one that has the ability to be readily ...