"It's not always been comfortable to talk about, but it's a serious message" - Ed Davey on the first Lib Dem PPB of the ...
Some fascinating detail from the latest Ipsos poll, their first of the election campaign proper: That 45% is high compared to ...
Ruth Davidson: "This raw emotion from Ed Davey is arguably the most powerful bit of communication in the campaign so far".
The Federal Board met last night and agreed to rescind the cancellation of Autumn Conference in the light of the general ...
Many local Conservative campaign teams seem to have been caught on the hop by the Prime Minister's decision to call the ...
Two different political parties, two different fundraising emails for the general election, but only the one fundraising idea ...
The low rate of council by-elections continued this week with just the one principal authority contest, in Birmingham.
Tim Farron on Radio 4 explaining the Lib Dem solution to the mess that is the water industry, and how we'd get sewage out of ...
It was off to Cambridgeshire today for party leader Ed Davey, taking the debut ride in his general election battlebus.
The Derbyshire company, which has recently pulled out of France and Belgium, is drawing no conclusions. But worryingly for ...
This is the ninth general election where I’ve been involved in some way in running things for the Liberal Democrats, from ...
Here's the letter from now former Conservative Harvey Whitby with the news of his decision to join the Liberal Democrats.