"It's not always been comfortable to talk about, but it's a serious message" - Ed Davey on the first Lib Dem PPB of the ...
Some fascinating detail from the latest Ipsos poll, their first of the election campaign proper: That 45% is high compared to ...
Ruth Davidson: "This raw emotion from Ed Davey is arguably the most powerful bit of communication in the campaign so far".
Many local Conservative campaign teams seem to have been caught on the hop by the Prime Minister's decision to call the ...
Two different political parties, two different fundraising emails for the general election, but only the one fundraising idea ...
The low rate of council by-elections continued this week with just the one principal authority contest, in Birmingham.
NEW – Lib Dems on a boat with placards photobomb Rishi Sunak as he chats to rowers at the Leander Club on the Thames as part ...
Welcome to the latest version of the privacy and cookie notice and other information covering the activities of me, Mark Pack, including those carried out using the labels Liberal Democrat Newswire, ...