There are other health problems that may make a cat cry at night regardless of their age, such as hypertension, hyperthyroidism, or other pains. If you notice your cat has suddenly become more ...
A quick sales attempt is said to be an elevator pitch. But does it actually have anything to do with elevators?
Plenty of urban legends and misconceptions surround death. The recently-departed are said to be able to continue growing fingernails and hair. (That’s a myth .) Or the bodies may transmit pathogens, ...
Get an inside look at the family reunion of author Leo Tolstoy, who has well over 300 living descendants.
Delve into the origins of Fat Bear Week, an annual celebration of the brown bears at Alaska’s Katmai National Park and Reserve.
They’re both in the camel family and live in South America, but alpacas and llamas aren’t the same species. Alpaca on the left, llama on the right. / Mike Hill/Stone/Getty Images (alpaca ...
Dogpatch USA opened in the Ozarks of northern Arkansas in 1968. Themed around Al Capp's popular Lil Abner comic strip, the park included beautiful natural phenomena, such as a waterfall and limestone ...
Garfield isn’t the best litmus test when it comes to determining whether or not this pasta dish is safe for your pet.
Tick prevention begins when you get dressed. Wear long sleeves and pants, and if you’re in a tick-prone area, tuck your pants into your socks to better protect your legs. Opt for light-colored ...
Among the many animals Lewis and Clark “discovered” during their expedition were pronghorns —also commonly called pronghorn antelopes, even though they aren’t actually antelopes but are instead the ...
The hottest beach read of 1974 almost came with a real shark tooth.
Seventy years ago this week, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in Brown v Board of Education, ruling that “separate but equal” schools segregated by race are unconstitutional. The case remade ...