China Isotope & Radiation Corporation (CIRC), a subsidiary of China Baoyuan Investment Co Ltd, a member company of China ...
UK-based Tokamak Energy plans to use a new digital twin computer software programme, SOPHIA, for tests using its ST40 ...
Vattenfall started a feasibility study to assess whether the commercial, legal and technical conditions were in place to ...
Image: Norsk Kjernekraft has submitted a proposal to Norway’s Energy Ministry for a nuclear power plant at Svartnes, a small ...
Image: The McMaster nuclear reactor is an open-pool type Materials Test Reactor (MTR) with a core of low enriched uranium ...
European nuclear industry leaders have published a manifesto outlining their priorities for the new European Commission (EC).
The C230 model cyclotron, from the Proteus Plus system, will be the heart of this centre. It is a circular particle ...