The earliest ants may have been primed for a highly social life — 100 million years ago, the insects had antennae tuned to key communication functions.
Earth’s rotation has been measured many times over — but never like this. In a first, scientists used entangled quantum particles called photons to reveal the rate at which the globe spins. The feat ...
Climate simulations can’t fully handle towering Arctic thunderclouds. So scientists have been flying a C-130 into and around the clouds to learn more.
Artemisinin is known to be effective against malaria, lupus, cancer and now possibly polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Two centuries on, scientists are still seeking a proof of the Second Law and why heat always flows from hot to cold.
If broadly adopted, this inclusive description of long COVID will help legitimize the ongoing struggles millions of people are facing post-infection.
Australia today is thought of as a land of marsupials, mammals that nurture developing young in pouches, including kangaroos, koalas and wombats. But a whole “civilization” of diverse monotremes, ...
DNA analysis shows victims in one underground chamber at Chichén Itzá included twins, perhaps representing mythological figures.
A new project called the Space Omics and Medical Atlas aims to study and document astronaut health as commercial spaceflight starts to take off.
Tests on brain organoids suggest the disease-causing prions face a tough barrier to infect people, but ruling out transmission is a difficult task.
Cancer is on the rise in the United States in Generation X (people born between 1965 and 1980) compared with their parents’ generations, a new study shows. That could be bad news for younger ...
Whether he’s interviewing a gamekeeper or diving into animal ethics, Warwick eagerly searches for middle ground in the ongoing battle that is wildlife management. The ecologist recruits an eclectic ...