A heat wave is moving closer to the breaking point from the Midwest to New England, and millions of people aren't the only ...
Researchers are exploring multiple uses for wind farms far out at sea, such as producing fresh seafood. A four-year project ...
The River Thames is one of Britain's many waterways contaminated with sewage. The number of untreated sewage discharges last ...
Judges, state lawmakers and voters are deciding the future of abortion in the U.S. two years after the Supreme Court jolted ...
A police pursuit of carjacking suspects in Milwaukee ended Thursday with police firing into the vehicle and injuring two ...
A company drilling for natural gas off the coast of northern Israel discovered a 3,300-year-old ship and its cargo, one of ...
The UC Davis Coffee Center is dedicated to the science and art of coffee. The center with state-of-the-art technology ...
New artificial intelligence announcements from big tech are coming thick and fast. Even if some aren't the game-changers they ...
The student says getting this scholarship gives her a chance to pay it forward. It will allow her more time to volunteer.
A strange monolith has been found jutting out of a remote mountain peak near Las Vegas. But after a three-day desert trek, an ...
High housing costs on Martha’s Vineyard are forcing many regular workers to leave and makes life difficult for those choosing ...
A team of United Nations peacekeepers and local officials visited a community in South Sudan’s Western Equatoria State on ...