A congresswoman secured a federal funding earmark for a group that saw its founder arrested for allegedly stealing money from ...
A Washington-based legal watchdog sued the Pentagon for documents detailing the hows and whys of West Point's decision to delete its famous motto “Duty, Honor, Country” from its mission statement.
Bragg asked a judge to keep in place most of the provisions of a gag order the judge imposed on Trump in April, according to a court filing made public Friday.
Washington, D.C., is preparing for a sizzling first weekend of summer as temperatures soar to as high as 100 degrees.
Replacing President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee is so complicated at this point in the calendar that it is impossible to do.
Trump himself understands the real human capital required to create great American growth better than any think tank wonk.
San Francisco has created 115 commissions that have contributed to mounds of red tape and bloated bureaucracy over the years.
The Supreme Court upheld restrictions on gun possession for people under domestic violence restraining orders.
Two Harvard University professors argue federal reparations would be in line with how the government handles matters.
The next major culture war battle is taking shape in New York City, and it is all about the definition of the word “infertility.” ...
The Supreme Court's 2022 precedent that bolstered Second Amendment rights for gun owners was affirmed despite a testy dissent ...
Sen. MarshaBlackburn introduced the CLEAR Act in March to give state and local law enforcement officials more tools to assist federal agencies with deporting immigrants.