Milan Fashion Week reserved for mostly menswear previews opened Friday with two co-ed collections, underlining that the old ...
Pope Francis encouraged world leaders to keep “human control” over artificial intelligence, to not let such tech make ...
Players from Denmark’s men’s team refused a pay rise in what has been described as an “extraordinary step” to ensure they ...
The liberal activist group Southern Poverty Law Center, known for producing an annual list of so-called hate groups, is ...
There are UEFA rules against making political statements in stadiums at soccer’s European Championship. But they may be ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Friday to “immediately” order a cease-fire in Ukraine and begin negotiations if ...
Before flying to Italy’s southern Puglia region to meet world leaders at the Group of Seven summit, Pope Francis hosted a ...
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa was expected to be reelected for a second term Friday after his African National ...
Mikayla Moore has been riding motorcycles since age 6 and started racing two years later, competing almost exclusively ...
Dads work hard — it’s a trademark of being a dad. Long days and many hours, and often there are several people you are trying ...
Scotland supporters are doing their best to make their team feel right at home in Germany ahead of its opening game against ...
Top-ranked Jannik Sinner will compete in both singles and doubles at the Paris Olympics, the Italian tennis federation said ...