Welcome to Westminster Abbey. Daily prayer has been offered in this place for over a thousand years, and your participation in today's service is warmly welcomed. At choral Evensong most of the ...
This programme of music for the Feast of St Peter broadly follows the structure of the three major choral services of the Anglican tradition, all of which can in turn be traced back to the worship ...
The Abbey is grateful for your support. Cash and contactless donations may be given as you leave via the Great West Door and will be divided equally between the work of the Abbey and the charities it ...
Christians are a worldwide movement of people inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, a 1st century Jewish religious teacher, whom they believe to the perfect and absolute revelation ...
On the first anniversary of the Coronation of Their Majesties The King and Queen, members of the Westminster Abbey team talk about the planning and work that went into preparing the Abbey for the ...
Discover more about the space within Westminster Abbey where coronations have taken place for hundreds of years. Where exactly in Westminster Abbey do coronations take place? Watch Vanessa Simeoni, ...
An architectural masterpiece of the 13th to 16th centuries, Westminster Abbey also presents a unique pageant of British history – the shrine of St Edward the Confessor, the tombs of kings and queens, ...
Does this sound like you? Do you want to help us welcome visitors and worshippers to a place of religion that’s also an essential part of national life? And do you value truthfulness, integrity and ...
If you buy an online ticket via the Westminster Abbey website you can upgrade it to an annual pass free of charge. This will enable you to visit the Abbey three times for the price of one. Simply ask ...
Discover more about the objects presented to the monarch during the coronation service and find out what each one represents. Which objects feature in a coronation service? Watch Dr Tony Trowles, Head ...
This seasonal offering from the Abbey Choir presents a delightful and unusual selection of music for Christmas. It encompasses many of the diverse themes of Christmas which have inspired composers ...
Stanford’s eight-part Latin Magnificat was posthumously dedicated to Parry, whose own Songs of farewell are unmistakably valedictory in mood. Personal as well as musical associations run deep in this ...