Donald Trump has executed three perfect U-turns within the last two weeks, three times acting in complete contradiction to ...
We have a duty here to thoughtfully and respectfully mirror the reality in these communities,” as he put it. Garcia oversees reporters covering rural and small metro areas, some of which are home to ...
In 2016, far-right outlets upended the media. Now a new brand of liberal ventures is claiming turf online.
Opinion: Letter writers say a June 5 Register editorial went way overboard attacking Republicans who pointed out Trump's ...
To Di For’ podcast host Kinsey Schofield says the one thing that’s seen a lot from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is “almost ...
The critically acclaimed author has long been a vocal foe of Donald Trump and frequently criticizes him on social media.
She covered the final two years of the Obama presidency, and during the 2016 presidential campaign she was assigned to cover ...
and Senate GOP Whip John Thune (S.D.), have shown no desire to embrace Trump’s calls to prosecute senior Biden administration ...
Democrat Hillary Clinton won Nevada in 2016 as did President Joe Biden in 2020, but Nevada was the only battleground state ...
Justice incorporates values that are in tension. On the one hand is the idea that everyone should be equal in the eyes of the ...
Jay Carson spent years as a Democratic insider. Disillusioned, he left politics for Hollywood and became friends with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — whose campaign he is now helping to steer.
The former president has done at least five interviews since his guilty verdict. In all five, he has talked about possible ...