For parents hoping to have a low-stress summer, readers recommend lowering expectations and embracing boredom.
These teens build AI and robots in their free time. Their parents say they focused on supporting their kids' innate curiosity ...
"They missed out on that idyllic family... but they gained so much more emotional depth and so much more strength," Garth ...
Kim Kardashian shares her struggles with being a single mother of four on the most recent episode of 'The Kardashians.' ...
Chrissy Teigen discussed her one parenting rule she won’t back down during a conversation at Aura Digital Parenting Summit.
Parenting can be challenging and overwhelming. Use these inspirational parenting quotes to keep things in perspective.
EXCLUSIVE Singer says ‘co implies 50/50’ which she ‘doesn’t believe it ever is’, but author Aaron Dale says real goal is ‘for ...
Kelsie Pierce thinks about it when she’s making dinner. And in the shower. And when she sits down to nurse her baby.
House lawmakers will be asked later this month to vote on legislation advocates argue updates “archaic” parentage laws to ...
Gentle parenting was supposed to produce kind, confident, well-adjusted kids. What happened?
Parenting is not an easy job and there's no right or wrong way to do it. But a new study from Test Prep Insight says that ...
Q: Our baby girl has been a delight. But when she hit the “terrible twos,” everything changed. We’ve heard this is fairly ...