Pope Francis warned world leaders attending the G-7 conference in Italy on Friday that artificial intelligence offers both ...
Pope Francis met with several left-leaning comedians from around the world and told them to "spread peace and smiles" amid ...
In a speech to over 100 prominent comedians from 15 countries, Pope Francis spoke about the importance of humor “in the midst ...
Pope Francis became the first pope to go to a G7 summit of world leaders. At a summit on artificial intelligence, he warned ...
Before flying to Italy’s southern Puglia region to meet world leaders at the Group of Seven summit, Pope Francis hosted a ...
Pope Francis became the first pontiff to address a Group of Seven summit on Friday, warning world leaders that Artificial ...
Francis will address G7 leaders at their gathering in southern Italy. His speech at the venue in southern Italy is a first ...
Chris Rock, Jimmy Fallon and Whoopi Goldberg were also among the more than 100 comics who were invited to meet with the pope.
Pope Francis becomes the first pontiff to address the Group of Seven, delivering a speech about artificial intelligence ...
Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien and Whoopi Goldberg are among the comics who meet Pope Francis at the Vatican. 'How did this ...
Pope Francis told G7 leaders on Friday that artificial intelligence brings great hope for society but can also exacerbate ...