These succulents grow slowly and methodically ... Repot the plants just slightly above the soil line and keep the potting mix lightly damp but not soaked. New roots should appear in one to four weeks.
Inside a home, flowering succulents usher in beautiful scents and bold colors. Whereas outside in a yard, they create ground ...
What is a succulent? Succulents are plants that have thickened, fleshy parts used to retain water in arid conditions.
In their natural habitat, these succulents grow in sandy, gritty soils with low nutrients. Replicating these conditions for indoor plantings is key. That means choosing a well-draining potting soil. A ...
The heartleaf philodendron is one of the easiest and most adaptable indoor plants to grow. "Trailing vines and heart-shaped ...
String of bananas is a pretty low-maintenance succulent, and like many of the typical succulent care requirements, string of ...
Avoid plants that require a lot of direct sunlight or are very drought-tolerant. Can I use regular potting soil for Kokedama? It’s best to use a mix of bonsai soil and peat moss for Kokedama. Regular ...
Propagating a Burro's Tail from a stem is very easy. Start by taking your cutting. Snip a healthy stem that's at least a few ...
When it comes to watering these indoor plants, Amy Enfield of ScottsMiracle-Gro recommends hydrating your hydrangea ...
Moving can be a stressful time, especially when you’re trying to keep your beloved house plants safe. But how do you protect ...
You notice an old bag of potting soil in the corner of your garage…next to a pitchfork, dried-up paint cans, and the transmission from your old ’57 Rambler, and ...