Professors from Harvard to Cambridge feel obliged to caution students before displaying ancient human remains; drawings and ...
From Westerns like Once Upon a Time in the West to action adventure films like Raiders of the Lost Ark, these are among the best outings in the genre. Back in the '30s, Universal made numerous horror ...
See a John Carpenter classic at midnight, dip (if you dare) into Bleak Week, and check out Thom Andersen's essential 'Los ...
The 2024 Atlanta Fringe Festival appeals to theater goers who like their art closer to the edge. Look for our critic Benjamin ...
Noah Wyle's character, Flynn Carsen, subverts the traditional adventure hero by relying on wit, not muscle.
This concert will present compositions requested by our Friends Of The Band members such as “Marchissmo,”“Children’s Prayer,” “Raiders Of The Lost Ark,” and "A Copland Tribute,” to name a few. This is ...
Schuylar Jones, a globe-trotting American adventurer who went on to run an Oxford University museum, has died. He was 94.
George Lucas wrote a story titled “The Adventures of Indiana Smith”, inspired by the adventure films of the 1930s and 1940s.
The release of George Lucas’ “Star Wars” was released in theaters across the Southland in 1977, marking the beginning of ...
Similarities between Mr. Jones and George Lucas’s Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. character are striking. Aside from the name and ...