In what is thought to be the first encounter of its kind to be witnessed by scientists, a tiger shark has been spotted ...
Researchers on Thursday said they were shocked to observe a Tiger shark throw up an echidna while tagging marine life near ...
A tiger shark in northern Australia has given researchers the surprise of their lives - by throwing up a fully intact and ...
An angler fishing off southwest Florida reeled in a bizarre sea creature later identified as a piebald lemon shark. Piebald ...
Shark attacks have been reported across large portions of the U.S. coastline over the past year, with the highest number of ...
Oski just dropped a new part to celebrate his super limited, "friends and family" Nike SB Red Shark Dunks and lets just say, ...
Del Mar beaches have reopened for swimming and surfing after a shark attack seriously injured a swimmer 100 yards off 17th ...
Kevin Barrett was among a group of people who helped get the victim to the beach in the moments after being attacked ...
Under Paris is the latest release in an endless sea of shark movies. On the surface, it may look like another over the top ...
A tiger shark has surprised Australian scientists on an ocean research trip by regurgitating a spiky land-loving echidna in ...
Netflix was having as much fun with the premise as all of us when they announced the arrival of the movie on Wednesday, ...
Netflix’s French thriller Under Paris, from Hitman director Xavier Gens, is a bold attempt to have it all. Gens and ...