More than 1.5 million Muslim pilgrims have gathered in Saudi Arabia’s Mecca for the start of Hajj, taking place this year ...
In sweltering temperatures, Muslim pilgrims in Mecca converged on a vast tent camp in the desert on Friday, officially opening the annual Hajj pilgrimage. Ahead of their trip, they circled the ...
KINSHASA: The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo is studying legal action against Apple in France and the United ...
Washington and its allies have chosen to abandon diplomatic work and political dialogue and used the policies of hegemony, ...
Under pressure from Arab states and Russia, which calls the shots in Syria, President Bashar al-Assad is tiptoeing away from ...
AFTER Iranian prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh (1951-53), was overthrown in a US-British coup, he stated: ‘I am aware that ...
This diary covers a comprehensive list of key political events and summits happening globally. It includes visits by world ...
After Iranian prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh (1951-53), was overthrown in a U.S.-British coup, he stated: “I am aware ...
Hector Cuper has announced his resignation as head coach of the Syria national team after a 5-0 defeat to Japan in their ...
This is of outmost importance specially with respect to the issues related to the implementation of the obligations by States ...
Vladimir Putin also hails Ankara for its desire to help resolve Russia-Ukraine war, which began in February 2022 - Anadolu Ajansı ...
BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 11. The repatriation of 6 Azerbaijani citizens, 5 of them children and one woman, held in camps ...