The PKK/YPG terror group is a tool established by external forces to create division among the components of society, Syrian ...
Syria's Kurdish authorities said Thursday they were delaying controversial municipal elections which prompted threats from arch-foe Turkey and concerns from their main ally the United States.
By canceling the May meeting, Turkey missed an opportunity for a much-needed reset with the United States. During his ...
Holding a weapon in one hand and fixing her scarf with the other, Yasmine Youssef patrols one of northeast Syria's vast ...
This reactionary practice, which Erdoğan’s government has systematically resorted to after 2015 by dismissing dozens of ...
Analysis: Turkey has said that the Kurdish-led administration's decision to hold elections is unacceptable, but is a military ...
A Syrian man was arrested after a shooting near the US embassy in Beirut on Wednesday and a judicial official said the assailant carried out the attack "in support of Gaza".
Turkey's defense minister says plans by U.S.-backed Kurdish groups to hold local elections in northern Syria are ...
For more stories from The Media Line go to“The so-called election efforts that threaten the territorial integrity of Syria will negatively affect peace and tranquility in the region, ...
Syria's foreign minister, Faisal Mekdad, stated that any dialogue with Turkey must be preceded by Ankara's withdrawal from ...
Syria’s foreign minister says any dialogue between Syria and Turkey should only take place after Ankara announces that it ...
Translator’s Note: The following poem by Kurdish–Syrian writer Golan Haji, written in the winter of 2022, was slated to appear in Kontinentaldrift: Das Arabische Europa (Continental drift: the Arab ...