However, according to industry insiders, Apple enthusiasts may need to wait until 2027 to see a foldable iPhone. Apple's ...
New York-based Gizmodo attracted worldwide attention in 2010 after buying an early prototype of Apple's iPhone 4 that Apple's late co-founder contended was stolen. Jobs, who died in 2011, also accused ...
Apple is anticipated to roll out iOS 18 soon after WWDC's keynote. The next-generation iPhone platform is expected to focus ...
But there’s a much bigger change taking place, one with much more serious implications, and that’s especially true for ...
Phone and Android users have been warned to switch off their phones at least once a week to prevent them from being targeted ...
The National Security Agency (NSA) has urged people to switch off their phones at least once a week to guard against cyber ...
Flagship Android phones don't all need to be glass and stainless steel. It's time to bring back materials like aluminum and ...
Gorilla Glass 7i brings high-performance enhancements to cheaper devices, targeting the value smartphone market. Corning's ...
#HoCoPolice have recovered approximately 15,000 stolen construction tools totaling $3-$5 million in what is believed to be ...
One of the most popular reasons people choose an iPhone over an Android phone is because of how secure the iOS operating system is. While it is true that Apple does a fantastic job of rolling out ...
Apple’s LLM is expected to handle basic AI tasks entirely on-device, processing the model using only the iPhone’s processor, ...
Look for that to happen again this year when the new iPhone 16 models arrive, and Apple decides which current devices will ...