Chinese human rights website Weiquanwang has reported that lawyer-turned-citizen journalist Zhang Zhan has been detained again and is being held by authorities in Shanghai, just months after her ...
While China’s athletes won glory in Paris at this year’s Olympics and Paralympics, there was widespread agreement on Chinese social media that the country’s reporters did not. Bloggers and athletes ...
CDT编者按:9月23日,“铁岭发布”公众号发布调研报告《关于加强空巢村基层治理的调查与思考》调研涉及铁岭清河区38个行政村,农村人口流失严重,常住人口占比不足户籍人口的40%,甚至有村子空巢率占比将近90%,人口数量甚至是锐减性,目前文章原文已被删 ...
英国摄影师约翰·汤姆逊就回忆:“那些有知识有地位的中国人向人群散布谣言,说照片会‘摄’走人的精气神。人在拍照后就会命丧黄泉……作为一名摄影师,我扮演的角色有些像‘催命鬼’。” ...
To mark the tenth anniversary on Monday of his sentencing to life in prison, Marie Holzman writes at the online human-rights journal Diyin on Ilham Tohti’s case and its enduring significance. The ...
On Monday, the U.S. Department of Commerce proposed rules to ban Chinese technology from internet-connected vehicles in the U.S. The plan was unveiled by the department’s Bureau of Industry and ...
他们觉得罗翔把辛亥革命粗暴定义为了排满。这么一解构,正经历史都变得龌龊了。 真丧良心。 而在另一边,对正能量特别不感冒的人,也觉得罗翔诋毁了自己。 版权说明:该作品版权归原 ...
版权说明:该作品版权归原作者所有。中国数字时代仅对原作进行存档,以对抗中国的网络审查。详细版权说明。 儿童是任何社会里的最弱势的群体,最应当受到保护的群体。 当一个成年人的 ...
版权说明:该作品版权归原作者所有。中国数字时代仅对原作进行存档,以对抗中国的网络审查。详细版权说明。 2023年8月24日,日本开始排放累积在福岛核电站的核废水后,中国全面禁止了 ...
"Harbinger of History: Past Promises of the Chinese Communist Party" (历史的先声——中国共产党曾经的承诺), edited by Xiao Shu, is a compilation and analysis of pro-democracy ...