Maine GearShare is packed to the rafters with outdoorsy supplies, including hiking boots, self-inflating mattresses, and ...
Sharon Eblacker and James Haibach have been rehabbing their 1760 place since 2018.
As the upstream battle against Eurasian watermilfoil stretches into a sixth year, the long-term health of Cobbosseecontee ...
Maine: A Love Story comprises 32 essays illustrated with her woodcut prints.
Record-setting hiker Briana DeSanctis first fell in love with solo backpacking on Cutler's Coastal Trail back in 2013.
Blue Butterfield’s new memoir Maine: A Love Story, composed of 32 essays illustrated with her woodcut prints, is at its most vivid when she trains her eye on her estranged father. “My father was a ...
For the last 30 years, Dianne Ballon has had a recurring dream about searching for musical instruments in a secondhand shop. Last year, when she was invited into the basement at Bath’s Maine Maritime ...
Nearly 30 years ago, Eric Greven and Susan Greven Vayda fell for a house bordering a Falmouth golf course. Though they aren’t golfers, they were smitten with the grey-shingled place outfitted with ...
Reassessing its future, the Moosehead region balances growth and livability with mossiness and moosiness.
Everyone has a different idea of the perfect Maine summer. Here's an excerpt from our summer planner, listing four beaches you may not have visited yet. When we launched last year’s inaugural Great ...