This lifeline to Europe was partly enabled by the DFC, which provided over $1.5 billion in financing to support Europe’s ...
The Soviet Navy's K-27 submarine, a November-class vessel, faced a tragic fate due to its advanced yet problematic ...
Though it is unlikely that the two leaders will announce specific arms deals, they could upgrade their military relationship ...
The question before voters is, whose vision best reflects your values and interests and America’s tradition of democracy and ...
Although NGAD aims to introduce a new stealth fighter alongside AI-enabled drone wingmen, recent statements from Air Force ...
The US Air Force plans to phase out the B-1B Lancer as the B-21 Raider becomes available, though the retirement timeline, ...
The British Vanguard-class ballistic missile submarine, the largest ever built in the UK, is set to be replaced after serving ...
Despite the toll of nearly 550,000 Russian casualties in Ukraine, President Putin remains committed to the war, transforming ...
Sweden has halted plans to send Saab JAS 39 Gripens to Ukraine, prioritizing F-16 deliveries instead. This decision aims to ...
The Ohio-class submarines now come in both an SSBN - or nuclear missile version - as well as a SSGN version that fires cruise ...
The name Enterprise has a storied history in the U.S. Navy, with eight vessels bearing the name and a ninth, CVN-80, ...
In July 1946, the U.S. conducted Operation Crossroads at Bikini Atoll to study the effects of nuclear weapons. Two tests, ...