THE longest All-Ireland SHC drought in Cork’s history is the only record occupying Patrick Horgan’s mind. That is according ...
PORTUGAL stars don't seem to "trust" Cristiano Ronaldo, claims England icon Stuart Pearce. The former Manchester United ...
Relationships can be tough at the best of times, and depending on what statistics you believe, 30% to 50% of all marriages ...
THEY may have huge mansions, flashy cars, and enviable wardrobes worth hundreds of thousands. But our favourite celebrities ...
A MUCH-LOVED British motor that boasts Jeremy Clarkson's stamp of approval can be snared for less than £6,000. The iconic ...
While the Reach vocalist is now dating her Dancing on Ice co-star Brendyn Hatfield, The Sun was first to report how Alex will ...
SUMMER has barely arrived, but that hasn't stopped one super organised bargain hunter from getting prepared for Christmas.
A WOMAN has found herself slated by trolls after showing the birthday outfit she made herself when the dresses she'd ordered ...
A SELF-confessed “man eater” has claimed that being homeless isn’t an issue to her because she’s “hot”. Emily Webb, who has ...
EASTENDERS fans have been left questioning if something has "gone wrong" on the soap as they labelled a recent episode of the ...
NINTENDO first announced a new entry in the Metroid Prime series with a logo of Metroid Prime 4. This was all the way back in ...
KATIE Price’s new neighbours have vowed to sell their homes as she prepares to move in. The 46-year-old is downsizing from ...