It was such a heated, divisive and historical election that businesses almost had to get political. You had Mark Cuban loudly championing Hillary Clinton, while Peter Thiel enthusiastically backed ...
He had also challenged Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination in 2016, but without success. In an announcement video ...
Huma, 47, is a seasoned Met Gala guest - but this year saw her enjoying the event in a whole new light, alongside her latest ...
Gatestone Institute senior fellow argues the former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman should not serve as Biden's climate advisor after having several conversations with top Chinese officials on ...
Former President Donald Trump will return to Minnesota next week as he tries to add the state to his electoral calculations despite two prior defeats. Trump has reportedly told donors and other ...
In 2016, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson took more than 3% of the popular vote — at that point both Trump and former ...
Former President Donald Trump will visit Minnesota later this month to headline a Republican fundraising dinner in St. Paul.
Former President Donald Trump will visit Minnesota later this month to headline a Republican fundraising dinner in St. Paul. Republican Party of Minnesota Chairman David Hann announced Monday that ...
“I don’t think anybody believes it will be close to that 10 points,” Sabato told 8News. “It may be more like Hillary Clinton’s five points in 2016.” Despite the tightening poll numbers, Sabato says ...
The news from the Trump campaign comes as the Biden campaign is eyeing North Carolina and Florida, historic swing states that have moved toward Republicans in recent years, areas they believe they can ...
Mark Zuckerberg, are you kidding me?! No amount of MMA fighting will make you look strong if you continue to behave so ...