Patricia Viel, architect, cofounder and CEO of Milan-based ACPV Architects Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel, believes that her ...
Colour is used by architects and designers for many reasons but can the psychology behind it help you sort out your own ...
Irene Cheng's exploration of less well-known utopian ideations is a valuable new account in the history of architectural ...
The first Santa Cruz city landmarks list was compiled in 1950 by the Chamber of Commerce, citing 20 buildings that had ...
The main role of architecture is to create structures that protect us from the environment and create spaces that are safe and comfortable for all types of needs and activities. By providing ...
With breathtaking views over either natural or urban ... By providing shelter, architecture also shapes the way people interact with their surroundings. Building technologies of the past rarely ...
“What we’re doing doesn’t work. It’s very expensive and it’s actually perpetuating harm,” she says of the U.S.’ current ...
He recently moved into an apartment in a new terrace next to the building ... woman to receive the accolade, for her work in championing Māori architecture. Student projects now regularly ...
From ancient wonders to bold and eclectic revivalist styles, the most beautiful ceilings in the world have long been ...
As the girlhood-to-girlboss pipeline unravels, designers are revamping office culture for a post-pandemic world ...
Kaiasm CTO Liam McGee explains how knowledge graphs can create a Rosetta Stone to keep different groups on the same page to ...
D on’t stab me. Don’t stab yourself. Don’t draw a circle on your arm. They want the tangent to be the length of the radius.