The South Dakota FFA has named its State Stars for 2024, as announced at the South Dakota FFA Convention in April. These individuals spend countless hours working on their projects and enhancing their ...
Matthew Muckey, associate principal trumpet, and Liang Wang, principal oboist of the New York Philharmonic, have filed federal lawsuits against both the orchestra and the musicians’ union Local 802.
The girls were received by Mrs. Warren Ramsey Albergotti, president; Mrs. Alec Boyd McLeod, III, vice president; Mrs. Russell Wayne Shealy, secretary; and Ms. Melissa Rucker Kizer, treasurer. Music ...
A horn player sidelined by the New York Philharmonic insists that a sexual encounter with a fellow musician who says she was ...
Matthew Muckey and Liang Wang said they were sidelined without cause by the New York Philharmonic after a recent magazine ...
The two musicians got their jobs back in 2020 in a binding arbitration but were ousted again in April. They are suing saying ...
So, for some of her clients, she proposed an evening to-do list. Writing out all the tasks that needed to be done the next ...
As a famous singer from a very famous band once said: Here’s some highlights as we start off this warm and wonderful month!
While recently strolling through social media looking for anything interesting that might have to do with Notre Dame, I came ...
Coordinated by Marian Law, Executive Director of Lower South Platte Water District, 5th and 6th graders at Platte Valley Elementary helped to plant native grasses along a ...
My name is Tracy Kizer, I am running for County Commissioner District 2. I am a fourth generation Kizer to work and live in ...
Jacobson says dogs may extend a paw when they are seeking the contentment they feel when physically in contact with us. “They ...