What is net neutrality and why does it matter? How did it make a comeback, and are there are any downsides for consumers?
Net neutrality was repealed in December 2017. Then FCC Chair Ajit Pai said the repeal would help more Americans get ...
thanks largely to state-level net neutrality rules passed before the federal repeal. But supporters said it is important to ...
The Federal Communications Commission received near-universal praise after it voted to repeal rules that did away with net neutrality. Net neutrality refers to the idea that internet service ...
Carr noted that many of the concerns expressed by net neutrality’s supporters in the lead up to the regulation’s 2017 repeal didn’t come to pass, and so the advocates for the rule’s ...
She said those were “wildly popular,” citing surveys that 80% of Americans supported the FCC’s net neutrality policies and opposed their repeal. Rosenworcel insisted that the Title II ...
Some net neutrality advocates have pressed the FCC ... If former President Donald Trump wins reelection, a GOP-led FCC would likely repeal the rules. The telecom industry is also expected to ...
But the rhetoric around the rules has changed. Net neutrality opponents say the lack of fallout after the repeal shows the rules were never needed; advocates argue that state laws kept some of ...
which a new report warns could cause a slowdown in the pace of internet speed increases and price improvements seen in the years since net neutrality's repeal. The FCC, which currently has a ...
said that fears of a sluggish or pricey internet without the rules were overblown — that consumers benefited from faster speeds and lower prices since the repeal. Net neutrality advocates ...
Net neutrality was repealed in December 2017. Then FCC Chair Ajit Pai said the repeal would help more Americans get high-speed internet access, as companies would spend more on building networks ...