Pool maintenance during the winter is just as important as in the warmer months. Image: Unsplash With winter approaching fast, the weather is getting colder, and the days are becoming shorter.
These covers do not allow water to seep into your pool, thus water must be pumped off the top of the cover regularly. Also known as tarp covers, winter pool covers are the most basic type of pool ...
According to Uhle, this step should be broken up into two parts: First, collect debris by hand or with your skimmer ... your pool cover, you notice your pool has lost water over the winter ...
“The Explorer E20 scrubs your pool floor and walls with ease and filters out unwanted debris for a clean shine.” Its plug-and-play operation makes pool cleaning easy and reduces wear and tear ...
As sales director for IADYS SAS, a robotics and artificial intelligence firm, Castello drove one of his company's Jellyfishbot pollution skimmers around a wading pool constructed at the NPE ...
Installing a pool can add a touch of luxury to your home—not to mention hours of summertime fun. But pools do require regular, careful upkeep, including thorough cleaning (in fact, some pools ...
If your home has ample power in proximity to your pool, an electric model is by far the most efficient and easy-to-use option and will offer fully automated cleaning with a simple one-plug operation.
One end of the hose attaches to the top of the vacuum head while the other sits in the pool skimmer, allowing dirt and debris to be sucked directly into the pool filtration system. Users will need ...
Policyholders also must keep up with the maintenance and drain the pool in the winter to prevent damage. Any damage as a result of neglect on the part of the policyholder will not be covered. To ...
A pool can be a wonderful addition to your backyard, useful for both outdoor entertainment and exercise. And in certain housing markets, it can even add value to your home. However, a pool ...