Deployed veterans were more likely to have silica in their lungs than people who weren’t in the armed forces, with combat ...
The 20,000-light-year-long fountain of gas is moving at 450 times the top speed of a jet fighter.
Fallout 4 is many things, and a stable experience is not one of them. This is especially true if you’ve got a couple hundred ...
On April 28, the third annual Baku [Explosion] Festival (爆フェス) will take place in Hitachiomiya City, Ibaraki Prefecture, in a ...
People with combat roles tended to have a variety of unhealthy respiratory exposures, including burn pits, sandstorms, diesel exhaust, tiny particles generated by explosions, dust from heavy ...
This galactic explosion is shedding light on the intricate processes that contribute to the chemical enrichment of ...
For residents of Ukraine’s second-largest city, daily Russian attacks have escalated fears but have not brought life to a ...
as the coal dust in the air was highly flammable. And in addition to dealing with dreadful working conditions, back-breaking ...
Following the death of a grandfather, Crimson Oak Grove Resources has left a community afraid for their homes and lives. An ...
Both stellar winds and supernova explosions drag out a galaxy's gas and dust, therefore depleting its gas reservoir. Because this reservoir provides the building blocks for new stars, that ...