Bernardo Arévalo's anti-graft drive is being outpaced by an energetic campaign against extortion and drug trafficking.
Ecuadorians delivered an overwhelming show of support for President Daniel Noboa’s security policies in a referendum held on ...
A threatening pamphlet sent around a village in the state of Zulia, Venezuela, marked a turning point for the local criminal ...
Ecuador's judiciary struggles to stop elite criminals from turning legal safeguards into loopholes for escaping justice.
Ecuadorian authorities are contemplating a response to an international sanction of its shark trade handed down by CITES.
A spate of arrests targeting Brazilian politicians with gang links illustrates the ongoing evolution of the PCC.
Founder, Jeremy McDermott spoke to German broadcaster Deutsche Welle to highlight Europe’s growing role in the cocaine trade.
Chilean authorities could lose control of the country's prisons as growing overcrowding tempts criminals into misbehaving ...
Atlántico's rise in extortion is primarily the result of cocaine trafficking falling during the pandemic and criminal groups ...
In this episode, we talk to Ivana David, a Brazilian judge who has had a front-row seat to the creation and the evolution of the region’s largest criminal organization, o Primeiro Comando da Capital, ...