Petrit Halilaj, a Kosovar artist born in the former Yugoslavia, has unveiled a major installation in the roof garden of the ...
William John Kennedy took photos of the famed Pop artists at the outset of their careers. The archive goes on show in London.
Paint Drippings is a weekly round-up of need-to-know news from around the art industry, from galleries, to art fairs, to tech ...
In 2012, a Spanish pensioner botched a church restoration, producing the globally beloved "Potato Jesus"—and a world of memes ...
A long lost, forgotten Framus Hootenanny guitar that John Lennon played at a pivotal point in Beatles history heads to ...
Archaeologists have discovered beautiful ancient glassware in Nîmes, dating to when the French town was a Roman settlement ...
What do we know about Henri Matisse’s daughter Marguerite Matisse, who was active in the French Resistance during World War ...