WASHINGTON, May 13, 2024 — The American Chemical Society (ACS) is pleased to announce the winners of the Brazilian Women in Chemistry Awards. These awards will be presented on May 25 at the 47 th ...
Who knew leftover chicken fat could one day be used to store energy? Researchers have found a way to create carbon-based ...
Air puff-less eye exams? A “smart” contact lens could someday help measure eye pressure and send wireless signals to enable ...
Swarms of magnetically controlled microrobots removed both microplastics and microbes from water. And the bots could be decontaminated and reused. This is a promising approach for decontaminating ...
Reporting in ACS Nano, researchers made tiny magnetic beads that swarm through contaminated water picking up contaminants like microplastics and bacteria. Video credits are available on YouTube. These ...
Promote chemistry in your community! ACS provides all the resources you need. Volunteer on your own or with your ACS Community. Passionate about science outreach? OTP helps you get involved with ...
Students will be able to explain that wearing a coat helps keep you warm because it blocks your body’s heat from moving away from you to where it’s cold. The coat isn’t actually warm – it’s your body ...
When the ice cream melts, the liquid ice cream fills up the air pockets. When it refreezes, there are fewer air pockets, so the ice cream is less airy and fluffy. The other reason is that when the ice ...
The answer could be a few different reasons. Your breath has a lot of carbon dioxide. When you blow, the carbon dioxide pushes oxygen out of the way and the flame goes out. Your breath blows away some ...
The ACS program for Recognition of Global Programs in Chemical Sciences promotes excellence in undergraduate chemistry education for institutions outside the United States. Programs that receive this ...
What’s the fizz in soda, and why does it shoot out of cans? Look for the answers in Soda Pop!