Climate change is causing a warmer atmosphere that holds more moisture, which can fuel heavy rain events and flash floods.
The coke oven rules are expected to set new limits for several hazardous chemicals and require fenceline monitoring for ...
Lightning bugs live in soil as larvae and eat snails and slugs, so lots of pavement are bad for the insects. So is nighttime light pollution.
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy travels to three spots to feature invasive plants and fish, and what people can do to ...
The Bucks County site, which has been under federal remediation for 30 years, is one of Pennsylvania’s last remaining coastal ...
The goal is for PRT's buses to produce net zero carbon emissions by 2045. It needs to replace 729 diesel buses to meet its ...
White-tailed deer are one of a few species that have managed to thrive as we urbanize and suburbanize the Midwest. Humans ...
The district replaced all unfiltered water fountains by installing 1,300 lead-filtering ones. No amount of lead is safe for ...
The center looks at organisms altered by people. The book asks if we humans could be considered postnatural ourselves.
Curtis is the energy & environment reporter for West Virginia Public Broadcasting. He is based in Charleston.
By Curtis Tate, West Virginia Public Broadcasting In spite of assurances from builders of the Mountain Valley Pipeline that ...