Our draft operational plan 2024/25 outlines our projects and programs for the next 12 months, including the annual budget, ...
We’ve developed a proposed design for a quietway through Cooper and Arthur streets in Surry Hills. Our proposed designs for ...
We’ve developed a concept design to improve the park. We plan to upgrade Bakery Park in Waterloo. We’ve developed a concept ...
By entering your drawing (s) into the Snake Drawing Callout held by the Council of the City of Sydney ABN 22 636 550 790 (the “City”), you, (and your parent or guardian) agree to the following terms ...
Young illustrators aged 5 to 12 years can submit their best snake drawings to be showcased as part of the Sydney Lunar Festival outdoor exhibition program.
Our grants and sponsorship programs support the social, cultural, environmental and economic life of our area. These programs provide financial and in-kind support for a range of activities. Our ...
The activation will attract people to Haymarket, celebrate Asian cultures and strengthen community inclusion and cohesion. It will activate public places, business premises and vacant space with ...
To be eligible the entrant must be a child between the ages of 5 and 12 years residing in the Sydney metropolitan area. Entrants must submit their entries in accordance with these terms and conditions ...
A space for the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to gather, participate in activities and events, access services, and share knowledge and culture.