The young royal—more formally known as Princess Maria-Olympia of Greece and Denmark—runs in A-list circles. As a model, the 27-year-old is regularly seen on the runway or the front row at fashion ...
Anya Taylor-Joy is continuing her bridal streak in the French Riviera. Today the actor once again hit the red carpet at the ...
Beyoncé blended her signature bombshell style with her appreciation for western aesthetics—and the results were fabulous.
Bieber looks relaxed as she lounges in a white tee and a dark blue baseball cap that reads: “Happy.” The Rhode founder evokes ...
A ridosso della Giornata mondiale contro i disturbi dell’alimentazione e della nutrizione, abbiamo intervistato Francesca Marzia Esposito a partire dal suo libro Ultracorpi, appena uscito per Minimum ...
Hearst en derden gebruiken op deze website cookies en vergelijkbare technologieën (“cookies”). Sommige cookies zijn nodig om ...
Op sociale media laten talloze vrouwen weten dat ze daten de das om hebben gedaan. Waar komt die ontwikkeling vandaan?
Naomi Campbell tikt volgende week de 54 jaar aan, maar aan haar uiterlijk is dat niet te zien, want ze lijkt maar niet ouder te worden. Gisteren was supermodel aanwezig op het filmfestival van Cannes ...
2024台北電影節入圍名單出爐!2024第26屆台北電影節頒獎典禮,將於台灣時間6月21日至7月6日盛大登場!本屆北影入圍大贏家《周處除三害》一舉入圍13項大獎,包含最佳劇情長片、最佳導演、最佳男主角、最佳男女配角及最佳編劇等提名!緊追在後的作品,則 ...
One can’t help but wonder if Taylor-Joy is considering renewing her vows, having recently revealed she married the musician Malcolm McRae over a year ago. The actress is in the South of France to ...
Sfumature delicate che catturano la luce come nei dipinti di Claude Monet.
Plus, the actor shares which celebrities are already hooked on her new Sculpting Paste ...