Ki Hadjar Dewantara envisions education that is fun and meaningful according to nature for Indonesian children.
In general, higher education encompasses four dimensions: spiritual attitudes, social attitudes, competence, and skills. When ...
As a country on the Ring of Fire, Indonesia must always be prepared to face volcanic eruptions. Some vendors may process your ...
The general election ended procedurally according to law, although many questions remain regarding its legitimacy. So, ...
Future education, with the help of AI, must return to its original purpose: educating humans to be human. Some vendors may ...
The Indonesian Thomas Cup team won Group C. However, their performance against India was a warning for the quarter-finals.
Increased productivity is closely related to the level of competence and quality of the workforce. The government has been ...
The acute condition of "budget maximizers" in the cabinet occurred amidst the decline of democracy due to the disappearance ...
While President Jokowi visited NTB, workers' actions commemorating International Labor Day actually erupted in Jakarta.
The high demand for imports of petroleum commodities makes Indonesia vulnerable to world geopolitical turmoil.
The largest raid followed by arrests occurred at Columbia University, New York. On Tuesday (30/4/2024) evening local time or ...
Indonesia lost to Japan in determining the winner of Group C. However, Gregoria et al received provisions for the ...