Threats against the President and Vice President can occur at any time and anywhere. Vigilance is also the key for Paspampres ...
The Indonesian National Team superter group suspects that PSSI is deliberately increasing ticket prices to gain multiple ...
Two young men in Batam committed suicide in similar locations and close to each other. In the past week, two young men were ...
On Wednesday, May 15 2024, the Palestinian people commemorated the 76th anniversary of the Nakba (day of calamity or disaster ...
In reader's letter entitled "The Importance of School Libraries” (Kompas, 15/4/2024), Samesto Nitisastro wrote that so far ...
Well implemented tax instruments can help control book prices and maintain people's interest in reading. Students choose the ...
The Banua Filmmakers Forum is building a local film ecosystem in Kalimantan by involving Banjar culture and language.
President-elect Prabowo Subianto is optimistic that Indonesia will grow 8 percent starting in 2027. What is the basis?
In percentage terms, the rupiah weakened more against the US dollar compared to the currencies of India, China and Malaysia.
The "new" Village Law, the result of this second amendment, has no sociological empathy for the fate of village communities.
Measuring Indonesia's Food Politics (A Study on the Food Estate Project in Central Kalimantan)" compiled by Walhi Central ...
The government provides rehabilitation and reconstruction programs to restore the social and economic conditions of victims.