Researchers are using artificial intelligence to perfect the design of the vessels surrounding the super-hot plasma, optimize heating methods and maintain stable control of the reaction for ...
Severe wildfires can drive chemical changes in soil that affect ecosystem recovery and risks to human health. A new study finds broader surveillance and modeling of these changes could inform ...
Molecular biologists provide exciting insights into the bristles of the marine annelid worm Platynereis dumerilii. Specialized cells, so-called chaetoblasts, control the formation of the bristles.
Engineers achieve a wide field-of-hearing acoustic metalens free from aberrations. Junsuk Rho from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Department of Chemical Engineering, and the Department ...
While intergroup interaction is a prerequisite for initiating peace and stability, there is the risk of further escalation from direct interactions. A shortage of an impartial electronic contact ...
A longstanding mystery about the strain of Vibrio cholerae (V. cholerae) responsible for the seventh global cholera pandemic is how this lineage has managed to out-compete other pathogenic variants.
A new technique for 3D printing medication has enabled the printing of multiple drugs in a single tablet, paving the way for personalised pills that can deliver timed doses.
The powerful new AI tool can predict heart failure outcomes in specific patients, helping doctors improve care.
Researchers have demonstrated a technique that allows people who manufacture metal machine parts with 3D printing technologies to conduct automated quality control of manufactured parts during the ...
The latest 'Florida Climate Resilience Survey' found that 90% of Floridians believe that climate change is happening. Belief in human-caused climate change has surged among Florida Independents while ...
A young whale's journey across the Mediterranean highlights the many threats facing ocean animals, researchers say.
Men with prostate cancer could significantly reduce the chances of the disease worsening by eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and olive oil, according to new research.