In the scorching heat of summer, babies and children are particularly vulnerable to skin and health issues compared to adult ...
Men can practise six everyday asanas that will enable them to calm their mind, while working on the body's flexibility.
The road to a healthier heart involves keeping cholesterol levels in check. Increased LDL cholesterol can heighten your risk ...
Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb with amazing health benefits and boosting immunity is just one of them. Read on.
The two women who underwent the procedure were left with 'systemic sarcoidosis', an autoimmune condition which 'thickens the ...
Summer cold in peak summer season is very common. Why? During very hot temperatures, we tend to seek refuge in any place that ...
Side effects of applying eggs to hair: Eggs can have several benefits, as they are a rich source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. However, some people may experience side effects such as an ...
A new group of COVID-19 variants termed as FLiRT is at large in the US and here's all the information that you need. USA is witnessing a rise in a new family of COVID-19 variants and the scientists ...
Bring your palms together so that all the mounds of the right hand connect with the counterpart of the left hand. While placing the mudra in front of your Hridaya Chakra, bend your wrists at 90 ...
The study points out that, eating a Mediterranean diet can help reduce back pain, especially in older adults. Pain in certain ...
Deepak Gupta, a regular at the gym for the past ten years and an active participant in various fitness competitions, was ...
High cholesterol control tips: 7 potent ways Arjuna bark aids in expelling unwanted LDL cholesterol from your system.