Scientists have discovered the strange way that African elephants like to communicate with each other: by defecating. The new ...
There are so many ways to say hello. People wave, bow, shake hands, hug, kiss, fist bump, say “hi” or any combo of these. But there’s one greeting from nature that we sure hope doesn’t ...
As it happens, researchers are learning more about how the animals greet each other, and how relationships among the social ...
Elephants are too big to notice little grey donkeys like me. Nobody talks to a donkey. Oh well, never mind. On I go, carrying ...
Their interactions appear more nuanced than once believed. How do elephants say hello? As it happens, researchers are learning more about how the animals greet each other, and how relationships ...
(NEW YORK) — How do elephants say hello? As it happens, researchers are learning more about how the animals greet each other, and how relationships among the social species could impact that ...