The offshore wind project could bring almost 2,680 jobs to the area annually over seven years. Government approves construction of massive floating wind farm to power hundreds of thousands of homes: ...
US Wind’s offshore wind project along the coast of Maryland and Sussex County officially received federal approval Thursday, ...
The Network began with the goal of building an offshore wind project in Maryland and today we are one ‘big approval’ closer." ...
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will hold a public meeting in Ocean City to present plans for the construction of ...
The project will also make significant progress towards Maryland’s offshore wind goal of 8,500 MW by 2031 and bolster a growing local supply chain to support future projects. The cumulative capacity ...
Offshore wind company U.S. Wind has submitted an application to the state of Maryland to revise and expand its proposed ...
Gov. John Carney signed a number of climate change legislation into law last week. Here's what that means to wind energy, electric vehicles and more.
It has been named a top alternative vacation spot Wind project update:Offshore wind project off Delaware, Maryland coast gets approved. Here's what comes next In the meantime, the north side inlet ...
"We understand the timeframe seems long and drawn out," a Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control spokesman ...
Senator Mary Beth Carozza is calling on the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to pause and postpone action on moving forward ...
The lawsuit, brought by a nonprofit that takes money from big gas companies, claims US Wind's permit applications are ...
Representatives from the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians have initiated legal action to ...