The sister dynamic between Osha and Mae creates a deeper and more complex Force Dyad relationship. ...
Why did Kylo Ren really fall to the dark side? One surprising clue may finally give an answer - and reveal the genius of ...
She was another in a long line of cool Star Wars characters who got killed way too soon. Star Wars has never been afraid of ...
The original trilogy, of course, had Darth Vader. The sequels had Kylo Ren. Even Ahsoka had its own masked villain in Marrok, though the series didn’t exactly capitalize on his potential. Hopefully ...
Popular Star Wars parody Twitter accounts 'Very Lonely Luke' and ' Emo Kylo Ren ' may have been separately entertaining the ...
Episode I - The Phantom Menace" and has some subtle references to other stories in the franchise.
Represented by their uniquely red lightsabers, the Sith let their anger and hate flow, giving them power far greater than any ...
Amandla Stenberg leads the cast of a whole new chapter in the Star Wars universe, and is set decades before the events of ...
Star Wars has traditionally made Sith apprentices act as muscle (Maul, Asajj Ventress, Vadar Kylo Ren), while Sith Lords ...
The show seems to have something to say about Jedi, but it’s hard to imagine The Acolyte can pull it off The High Republic is ...
The true nod is Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) of the sequel trilogy, who we saw using the Force Mind Probe technique to siphon ...
The Acolyte is the first live action Star Wars project to come wholly from the mind of a queer female fan of the franchise, ...