If you’ve scrolled through TikTok lately, you may have come across a few videos that claim cortisol, a.k.a the “stress ...
Stress has become a pervasive part of daily life, triggering our body's natural defense mechanism against perceived threats.
Most people are aware of cortisol’s role in the stress response but it’s important to note it’s not a bad hormone." ...
Navigating stress and maintaining intimacy can feel like walking a tightrope for many couples. Unbeknownst to most, chro ...
Overeating and oversleeping are often overlooked behaviors that many attribute to simple lifestyle choices or temporary ...
Normalized expendability” means that a population critical to the lifeblood of this country can be excluded from even basic ...
Anxiety disorders impact the body and the mind and can take many different forms. It’s critical to comprehend the symptoms in ...
Is balancing cortisol actually necessary? Here, 2 MDs explain what cortisol is, how it gets regulated, and whether or not it ...
May is Mental Health Awareness Month when we focus on the importance of mental health and its impact on our wellbeing.
Incorporating dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and pak choi into your meals can help manage anxiety. You can try ...
Though studies are still mixed, and products often inconsistent, many scientists have hope that cannabidiol can help canines ...